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Why Join?

You know that feeling when you arrive on campus and you are looking for something to add to your college experience.  On a campus with thousands of students, it can be important to find a network of friends and allies to provide the support needed to be successful.

The Office of Student Life believes that membership in a fraternal organization provides students with tremendous opportunities for lifelong friendship, leadership development, scholarship and social interaction.  Our fraternity and sorority students are scholars, athletes, and campus leaders; they are positively contributing to and benefiting from the Colorado Mesa University collegiate experience.

Lifelong Friendships : Greek life offers an abundance of opportunities here at CMU however, one of the greatest outcomes from joining a sorority or fraternity are the amazing friendships you make through these organizations. These Chapters offer many different ways to interact with students from all organizations within Greek life and other students throughout campus. Greek life brings a common connection not just here at CMU, but throughout the nation! You can gain friendships from all over the world! These valuable friendships will help you navigate your time here at CMU and follow you even after you graduate. 
Academic Excellence: All of our members in Greek life are full-time CMU students and are dedicated to achieving a higher education. These chapters expect students to be academically driven and able to maintain good academic standings. These chapters offer study groups, academic plans, and academic support for all members. We want our students to be successful and hardworking, we are all in this together! 
Commitment to Inclusion and Diversity: Here at CMU we are committed to creating a more welcoming, inclusive community within Greek life. We do not tolerate any acts of racism or racial injustices within this community. We have a responsibility to support, empower, and encourage all members of each organization. We also have an obligation to be open and partake in critical conversations regarding race and racial injustices. 


Instagram Accounts:

Panhellenic: cmu_panhellenic

Alpha Sigma Alpha: asa_cmu

Gamma Phi Beta: coloradomesagammaphi

Theta Xi: thetaxi.cmu

Kappa Sigma: kappasigmacmu


Contact Information

For more information regarding the Sororities and Fraternities at Colorado Mesa University, please contact Haley Wiedeman at 970.248.1209 or at